Friday, April 4, 2008

Here comes April..

Baby Jack learned that he can hold his own bottle...with a little help! At almost 5 months it's a little early, but I'll take it! Considering he is in the 98th percentile for his weight you can imagine that he eats often!
He loves his bath tub time but hates everything about getting dried and dressed after! When I take all his clothes off he starts to get very excited arms and legs moving very fast all over the place, with a huge smile on his face. I think it's the sound of running water that lets him know it's bath time.
I think that I am sure he is teething! I'm not sure what would give it away!!?? But at least once if not twice a day this is what Jack looks like. HUMM... Let me think! HE IS FOR SURE TEETHING!!! I don't care if people say he is too young.
My Big Kindergartener started soccer practice for the Incarnation Chargers, with her very proud Dad as the Head Coach.We look forward to a great season. Oh! and a winning one too! Go Chargers!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So you have one child whose teeth are coming in, and another whose are falling out. How funny that both your children have almost the same gummy smile!
Kristy Boker