Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat!

So exciting! Getting ready to go to school at 7am in a costume!
Mom Loved it!
After all was said(lots of words!#$#T) and done, Annabelle was gleaming!
We pulled it off. Annabelle looked fabulous!
Jack didn't look bad either, sneaking around the corner on his feet!
After school we went to our cousins house to trick or treat.
It was exhausting trying to get the perfect picture.

But, well...I think we got pretty close!
And still we tried again.

Jack was so cute and everybody wanted to hold him.
He was very well behaved considering he was in a costume and being passed around every 10 seconds to people he knew and complete strangers.

Aunt Maureen, who did a great job making EVERY costume you see in these photos was hidden by Jacks hat.
Thanks Aunt Maureen for all the great costumes.

The faces we make when we chew on gum!

Oh! and are watching a Lady Bug fly around the room.

Double OH! Drinking Coke cause her Dad said so!
Actually we allow pop only on holidays and it is a holiday.

Why walk when you can ride in the wagon?
Annabelle thought it would be less work to hop in and out of the wagon from door to door, than to just walk ten steps!
She will learn...
The whole Bunch.
Princesses, Fairies, & Sarah .P. too!

Dad was on fire!
Except for the wagon and 10 kids he had with him!
See you at the gates of Hell!

Jack loved his trick or treat pumpkin...the only problem was what ever went in had to be eaten a.s.a.p.
Here he is closing his eyes in disbelief...what do you mean there are no more goldfish in my bowl????
Let me close my eyes and look one more time, I am sure there will be more in there when I open my eyes again!I did, I opened them and there was more for ME to eat.
I am a Happy Monkey!
Cinderella & Sleeping Beauty right before their first eight grade dance.

Mary Kate (Our cousin is Sleeping Beauty) & her friend Shannon is Cinderella.
The Devil Himself !!!
The Devil and his child!

The child after the Devil left, looking like an Angel.??


A Bunch Of Hunny!!!

Our little Jack had to wear the costume that his big sister wore when she was his age.
He looked really cute!
But I must say his sister fit in it better than he did! Jack loved it. He enjoyed sucking on the zipper and trying to get the bees off the hat!
Mommy put on the costume she wore for Annabelle's first Halloween.
A perfect fit...Pooh & his "HUNNY POT"
I must also include Tigger too!
He was also a huge part of our ensemble!

Daddy was excited to be Tigger again six years later!
There wouldn't be Pooh with out Tigger.
We wanted this picture to look like the one we took with Annabelle six years ago.

We enjoyed the costumes as much with Jack as we did with Annabelle.
We knocked on a couple of neighbours doors to trick or treat.
Then Mommy went to Annabelle's party at school.

Happy Halloween!
Part One

Monday, October 27, 2008

Rest In Peace

We will miss you Fuzzy!
Our newest and fuzziest family member "Beloved Fuzzy" passed away over the weekend.

I heard him running around his cage on Saturday night as I checked on Annabelle on my way to bed.
Daddy found him in a ball on Sunday afternoon.
The appropriate funeral arrangements were made, and Fuzzy was buried in our back yard.
Rest in Peace Fuzzy. We will miss you!
Now I have to figure out how to remove him from our blog title, be patient, it may take a while!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Bambelle had her Daises Halloween Party today. She really wanted to wear her costume for this year, but was worried it would get dirty. So she decided to wear a costume from two years ago. Surprisingly it almost fit! She looked so cute. It brought back memories! She looked like my little girl again.

Notice the gaps between the sleeves and the mittens! She didn't care and neither did I. She looked so cute!

Monkey Business

Look at me!

I like showing off all my new tricks!

I like the lime light!

My Mom says I would be a good circus animal!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Growing Pains

Jack has been up a lot the past couple of nights at all hours of the morning. Mommy is distraught! He wakes up and in miserable. Nothing cheers him up. He cries for very long periods of time, which is so unlike him. This picture was taken at 1 am on a school night!!! I know you are thinking he doesn't look sad. He was crying and crying...then I turned on the television to noggin and he instantly put on a smile! Whats up with that? Mommy needs some sleep! He just laid back relaxing with his blanket that he sleeps with(that normally never leaves his bed) . Hey, I was willing to try anything that would calm him down...

No more television in the middle of the night my friend!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Falling for Fall

This is my most favorite time of the year. Not too hot and not too cold. The trees are the most beautiful colors and it is perfect weather for long walks. Today we walked without Annabelle as she was at a birthday party. It strange not having our little chatter-box with us. Jack loved the sound the leaves made when he crushed them in his hands.
He kept bending over for more. I almost ran over his fingers a couple of times.
Buddy enjoyed the fresh air too!

Mom is looking forward to walking around the block holding her little boys hand. His is on the verge of walking. He can take a step or two but then he looses his courage and sits down. Any day now...

Look at Me, Getting So Big!

We turned Jacks car seat around today. He loved it. He was so happy to be able to see us. He kept waving at us during our car ride. It was nice to be able to see him too!

New Hang Out Spot.

Jack has discovered a new place to play. He pulls his basket of toys out and plays in there. He climbs in and out dragging stuff with him till he is happy with his set up.
Once he has chosen a few of his favorite toys he stays in there for quite a while smiling and laughing to him self.
During naps we clean everything up and put the basket back in it's spot, but when he wakes up he pulls it right back out!
He loves his new cubby!

Jack Will Fix it!

Jeff brought out his drill to fix the baby gate that got pulled off the wall! Jacks' eyes lit up. He had to have it. He loved playing with it. He made the cutest faces.
He screamed bloody murder when we took it away from him.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Simply Delicious!

On Columbus Day we decided to drive way too far into Indiana and go apple picking. We went with our cousins The Kelly's and our friends The Sullivan's. Jack stayed at home with his Dad as we felt that it would be too long of a day for him. We walked and we picked and we ate and we finally drove home ready for bed. A fun time was had by all! We rode a tractor for a long time to get to the apples we wanted. We had mixed feelings. Some of us were over dressed and too hot. Others didn't want to be there. Most of us were just looking at Uncle Jerry and wondering why he had an ice cream and we didn't!
Annabelle loved picking apples for about five minutes!!
My two Aunts Sandra and Aishling. Sandra was visiting from Ireland for a few days and thought it would be a fun experience. Little did she know that mosquito's love foreign blood! She was eaten alive.
Annabelle and her cousin Grainne. Breaking all the rules and eating unwashed apples.

Annabelle wasn't happy with the apples she could reach...oh no! She had to have the ones that were out of reach! Her cousin Helena helped her find the best ones!

After a long day of walking and picking apples, Kate, Grainne and Annabelle enjoyed some good taffy apples complements of Auntie Sandra. Thanks!

Kate, Grainne, Trisha and Ryan posing for a picture. Annabelle was having a moment and refused to participate!
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