Saturday, February 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby Girl.

Birthday Party number one.
Painting pottery with friends.
Bolt was the cake Annabelle had to have!
Everybody was so into painting their pieces.
It was so much fun!

Cousins and friend, waiting for more friends to show up!

Opening gifts is always fun.

Great party, more to come tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happy And Sad All In The Same Minute!

Jack is having some teething/ sleeping issues lately.
It starts out with him being so gratefully happy that we brought him down stairs in the middle of the night...Then he realizes he is still in pain , even if he is not in bed.
He begins to cry again.

He is so sad and SO cute,even when he is so sad!

Then he reaches the breaking point!
Get the camera away!
I've had enough.
Don't you people understand?
I am in pain here, I have some (4) molars coming in at once.
A little respect please!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Out With Hearts, In With Shamrocks!

We Heart Shamrocks!

Jack couldn't believe he found a pot of gold, and what would you know, it had the best treasure in it! A Nukkie!
Thanks big sis for the Nuk, your're the best.

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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine Fun!

Meet my wife!I love her, and I watch over her...

But I must play with the wooden spoon!
I will also play the drums, hey, if it is there I should bang it!

There's my girl...
She is so cute, I am embarrassed.

My big sister and her good friend Riley.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Guess What We Can Do With Melting Snow!

Look At Me!

I climb on the table...
I make my way to my high chair...

Then I dive, she can't stop me now...

I am almost there.

Even closer.

Bingo, Mom, Could you feed me now?
I am growing big, with big ambitions.
I love to wear my racoon hat.

I Am So Funny!

I don't need anyone to make me laugh, I can laugh at my self!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

More Winter Fun at Belly Button Hill.

O.K. so the first time down the hill for Jack and Annabelle did not have a happy ending!
More so for Jack than Annabelle! He was very sad and very done.
He wanted nothing more to do with sleding. Annabelle was ready to walk ALL the way up the hill again.
I went with and I have to say, the steep climb was well worth it.

Jack was content to sit on the sled at the bottom of the hill.
Poor baby!

And we're off again.
I bet I lost some weight today.

Jack still sitting...

Daddy pulled him around the bottom of the hill for a while, he was o.k. with that.

Then Dad and Annabelle climed to the very top of the hill and flew down, so fast I couldn't get a picture til they stopped.

This is a clip of Jack watching me and Annabelle flying down the hill.
Mom got some good film of Dad, Jack and Annabelle coming down the hill.
It is kind of hard to see Jack, but he is sitting on the sled with Dad.