So exciting! Getting ready to go to school at 7am in a costume!
Mom Loved it!
After all was said(lots of words!#$#T) and done, Annabelle was gleaming!
Jack didn't look bad either, sneaking around the corner on his feet!
After school we went to our cousins house to trick or treat.
It was exhausting trying to get the perfect picture.
But, well...I think we got pretty close!
And still we tried again.
After school we went to our cousins house to trick or treat.
It was exhausting trying to get the perfect picture.
But, well...I think we got pretty close!
And still we tried again.
He was very well behaved considering he was in a costume and being passed around every 10 seconds to people he knew and complete strangers.
Aunt Maureen, who did a great job making EVERY costume you see in these photos was hidden by Jacks hat.
Aunt Maureen, who did a great job making EVERY costume you see in these photos was hidden by Jacks hat.
Thanks Aunt Maureen for all the great costumes.
The faces we make when we chew on gum!
The faces we make when we chew on gum!
Oh! and are watching a Lady Bug fly around the room.
Actually we allow pop only on holidays and it is a holiday.
Annabelle thought it would be less work to hop in and out of the wagon from door to door, than to just walk ten steps!
She will learn...
Princesses, Fairies, & Sarah .P. too!
Except for the wagon and 10 kids he had with him!
See you at the gates of Hell!
Jack loved his trick or treat pumpkin...the only problem was what ever went in had to be eaten a.s.a.p.
Here he is closing his eyes in disbelief...what do you mean there are no more goldfish in my bowl????
Here he is closing his eyes in disbelief...what do you mean there are no more goldfish in my bowl????
Let me close my eyes and look one more time, I am sure there will be more in there when I open my eyes again!I did, I opened them and there was more for ME to eat.