We got up very early to prepare for our long trip. Annabelle watched out the window in anticipation of her first limo ride. She was very excited.
Annabelle sat on one side while jack and I sat on the other, it was a lot of fun. So many buttons to touch and things to discover!
Annabelle and Jack were both very well behaved on the 4 hour plane ride to Palm Springs. Thank Goodness,Mom had stressed about scraming babies etc!
Touch dowm Palm Springs! Yeah! I suspect that best roller coaster ride of the vacation was the one we experienced landing in a little airport surronded by mountains. It was very bumpy and jumpy to say the least. Mom was scared. I think Dad was too!
We took so many beautiful pictures on our trip that I have decided to add them bit by bit, day by day. Otherwise I feel it will be too overwhelming ,for me and our veiwers too. Enjoy!